
“Imitation is always insult - not flattery.”

Frank Lloyd Wright
(1867-1959), United States architect

Brands are especially vulnerable to the illegal copying and use of their corporate image. Counterfeits are an ever-increasing flood and lead to substantial financial damage and safety risks for companies worldwide. Many areas of commerce are affected, including automobile manufacturers, international fashion labels and pharmaceuticals.

The fight against product piracy is one of the core competencies of our firm. In close cooperation with customs authorities and public prosecutors we initiate border seizures and searches both in Germany and abroad. We proactively support companies through our own research into manufacturers and distribution channels. Our worldwide network of investigators and local counsel facilitate the cross-border investigation of obscure players. Our extensive experience in the coordination of international proceedings guarantees that the proceedings are handled efficiently, successfully and always with an eye to the costs.

We are convinced that for every company sustained effort in the fight against product piracy pays off. We attach great importance not only to the immediate halting of actual infringements, but even more so to forcefully claiming damages and discovery that – where possible – may result in returns on investment to the owner.

Medium size companies as well as large conglomerates place trust in our expertise in combatting product piracy. It is for good reason that we continuously protect some of the most valuable global brands.